Features with Principal Component Analysis (PCA) with tidymodels
Plotting Age Pyramids with ggplot
Catalan GDP per capita
Population Growth in Catalonia
Deterministic and Stochastic Project Planning
Cross Validation of Time Series Models
Latin Hypercube Sampling
Triangular and PERT Probability Distributions
Examples of Visualizations with ggplot
Analyzing a Lottery with Monte Carlo Simulation
A Faceted Horizontal Bar Chart
Environmental Impact of the Barcelona F1 Road Show
Impacte ambiental del F1 Road Show a Barcelona
Coloring an Intricate Map with Graph Coloring Algorithms
Node Coloring with Linear Programming
Pareto Front in Multicriteria Optimization
Using Recursion to Generate Feature Interaction Terms
Examining the Central Limit Theorem with purrr
Prim's Algorithm for the Minimum Spanning Tree
2-opt Moves in the Travelling Salesman Problem
Solving the Maximum Flow Problem
Introducing Confidence Intervals
A Syllabus for Tabular Data Analytics
Getting Barcelona Sunset and Sunrise Hours
Resources for Business Analytics in R
A Dual Axis Line Plot
Line Plots with Grouping and Direct Labels
Random Walks in Lattices
Efficiency of Unweighted Networks
The Small-World Property of Complex Networks
Random and Scale-Free Network Models
A Dummbell Plot of the Evolution of EU Gini Index
Cleaning the Credit Card Defaults Dataset
Three Measures of Inequality (Making Of)
Three Measures of Inequality
Color Blindness in R
A Candlestick Plot of Big Stock Companies
Plotting a Multiple Line Plot
Plotting an Horizontal Bar Chart
A Workflow for Exploratory Factor Analysis in R
Prompting chatGPT to Build a Tabu Search Algorithm
Plotting World Bank Data
Structural Equation Modelling with lavaan
Resources for Data Visualization
Winners of the World Cup
Mapping with purrr
Recent evolution of the Spanish inflation
Plotting complex variable functions in R
Undersampling and oversampling with tidymodels
Introducing the beta probability distribution
Using undersampling with decision trees and random forests
Introducing random forests in R
Predicting with decision trees using rpart
Classifying with decision trees using C5.0
Cross validation and hyperparameter tuning with tiydmodels
Regularized regression with glmnet
Log transformations in numerical prediction
Dependency networks of installed R packages
Dense visualization in R with ggrepel and plotly
Rolling functions in R
A fast fitness function for the TSP in R
Joining relational tables in dplyr
Combinatorial explosion
Optimizing the Odyssey
Two airline airport networks
Coding tabu search in R
Coding simulated annealing in R
Breaking symmetry in linear programming formulation
Just another starred correlation function in R
Examining correlation matrices in R
Solving linear programming with GLPK in R
Plotting US airline airport networks
Moderated multiple regression in R
Doing maps in R
Covariance and Pearson correlation in R
Intermediate solutions in QCA analysis using R
Obtaining sufficient conditions in QCA minimizing the truth table using R
Necessary and sufficient conditions in QCA using R
Fuzzy sets for qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) using R
Controlling for Type I errors for multiple hypothesis tests in R
What is ANOVA and how to do it with R
Categorical variables in linear regression
Why are there vaccinated among COVID-19 infected?
The power law
Hierarchical linear regression
Lissajous curves
The viridis palettes
The Brewer palettes
Introducing hypothesis testing
Logistic regression
Pie charts versus bar charts
Summary statistics in linear regression
Maximum likelihood estimates
Influential observations in linear regression
Linear regression with broom
A workflow for Numerical Prediction with tidymodels
Introducing the Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve
A workflow for Binary Classification with Tidymodels
Merging with dtplyr
Merging with data.table
The all-administrative univesity
An R nightmare of looping, growing and floating point errors
Line and bar plots in ggplot2
Colors and shapes of points in ggplot2
On the performance of for loops in R
Introducing ggplot
Data manipulation with dplyr
Tidy data
Rectangular data in R
Blogging with static websites